Monday, November 20, 2017

Real, Fake News, Now!
Editor's Note

It has come to our attention that some subjects of our reports are considering taking us to court for slander.
Thankfully, these individuals are insanely wealthy and can buy a sense of humor once the concept of satire is explained to them by their overpriced lawyers.
One caveat in this situation.  The sense of humor should be subjected to a thorough background check to determine there has never been a breath of scandal, harassment or tawdry behavior in its past.

This last has been a paid endorsement for SASh.  Safe and Sane humor, LLC, offices in Buff Bay, Jamaica & Rum Point, Grand Cayman, C.I.
Real, Fake News, Now!
Volume: Who cares, Number: 11

A leak has been passed on to our intrepid reporters.  Both have received information from multiple, independent sources.

Jeff Bozos will be announcing he will be shutting down the Washington Compost as of December 31, 2017.  This will allow all involved to get insanely drunk for New Years Eve.
In plain language, Bozos is tired of propping up the money pit.  This will leave the NYT and LAT.  No offense to the Tribune or Sun-Times.
Bozos will be providing limos and buses to insure everyone makes it home safely.