Real, Fake News, Now!
Volume: Loud, Number: something very large
Happy Trails
Well it's about time. Harry Reid is riding off into the sunset. What will he be doing in retirement? Actually, we've been given an insider's peek at what he will be up to. Our source, Roger Rodgers, has been given permission to relate the goings-on soon to commence.
What many are unfamiliar with is the backstory of the Senator. This is way beyond the Wikipedia entry. Seems he is from a long line of pioneers who made their way across the Midwest and further westward about the time before and immediately after the Civil War. This is a little known tale.
It begins somewhere on the East Coast, some say New York, New Jersey or Pennsylvania etc. Somewhere between 1830 and 1840 his ancestors pulled up stakes and headed West. They stopped along the way making a living to further their westward migration. Thus they made their way across Ohio, Indiana and Illinois pausing there during the Civil War.
They were able to make their way south and west after the fighting ceased. The actual path is 'lost', but they made their way to Texas. Again, they made their way stopping periodically to make a living to further the trek onward. We are not entirely sure how they made their way across what is now New Mexico, but they did, making it to the four corners region. They headed toward Utah and stopped finally near a sleepy village near Mount Charleston in Nevada. Here the rather large family split up. Some stayed. Some moved into California. Others move Northwest. Some back tracked.
Why all this vague history? The Reid family maintained journals with great care and detail. So in fact the Senator is about to embark on a cherished dream of his to relate his family's story by the spoken word. Rodgers has shared some teaser material, but asked us to not publish these as the Senator would like to keep some surprises for the listening audience. One we can share involves an alternate story to the origin of Pecos Bill.
Rodgers is working with a producer to bring the project to fruition on behalf of the Senator. They will be produced as CDs and MP3s to cover the market. So, something new for Harry Reid.
Byline: Cecile Humphries
Research: Nigel Cadwallider
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